
結(jié)腸癌DNA甲基化PCR芯片 Colon Cancer DNA Methylation PCR Array

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結(jié)腸癌DNA甲基化PCR芯片 Colon Cancer DNA Methylation PCR Array

結(jié)腸癌DNA甲基化PCR芯片 Colon Cancer DNA Methylation PCR Array
運費 ¥0.00
(庫存 9999 件)
簡介:Colon Cancer DNA Methylation PCR Array
服務名稱:Colon Cancer DNA Methylation PCR Array
Human Colon Cancer DNA Methylation PCR Array, Signature Panel: EAHS-061Z

The Human Colon Cancer EpiTect Methyl II Signature PCR Array profiles the methylation status of 22 tumor suppressor gene promoters whose hypermethylation has been reported in the literature to occur frequently in a variety of colon tumors. Profiling tumor samples with these arrays may help correlate CpG island methylation status with biological phenotypes. The results may also provide insights into the molecular mechanisms and biological pathways behind colon cancer development and progression, as well as its pathology. With a simple restriction enzyme digestion and real-time PCR, research studies can analyze the methylation status of 22 different colon cancer genes with this DNA methylation PCR array.
Both 96-well and 384-well ( 4 X 96 ) formats are available.
The EpiTect Methyl II PCR Arrays use the MethylScreen? Technology provided under license from Orion Genomics, LLC.

Apoptosis & Anti-apoptosis: APC, CDKN2A, MGMT.
Cell Adhesion & Migration: APC, CDH1, OPCML (aOBCAM), PCDH10.
Cell Cycle, Growth, Differentiation & Development: APC, CDKN2A, HNF1B, MLH1, RASSF1, SPARC, WIF1, WT1.
Cell Junction Protein: PCDH10.
DNA Damage Repair: APC, MGMT, MLH1, RASSF1.
Extracellular Matrix Remodeling: SPARC, WIF1.
Growth Factor: WIF1
Heparan Sulfate Biosynthetic Enzymes: HS3ST2.
Transcription Factors: CDKN2A, HIC1, HNF1B, RUNX3, WT1.
Tumor Suppressor Candidates: APC, CDKN2A, MLH1, RASSF1, RUNX3, TMEFF2 (HPP1, TPEF).
Ubiquitin Signaling Pathway: UCHL1.
WNT Signaling Pathway: APC, DKK2, DKK3, SFRP1, SFRP2, SFRP5

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